Monday, September 8, 2014

Vocabulary #3
1. accolade- an award or an expression of praise
The mayor will give the hero an  accolade for saving the people from the burning building.
2. acerbity- expressing harsh or sharp criticism in a clever way
The snobby woman used more acerbity than she should have when she was displeased with the service.
3. attrition- a reduction in the number of employees or participants that occurs when people leave because they resign, retire, etc., and are not replaced
There is a high level of attrition in the field of sewage control because no one really wants ton deal with that.

4. bromide- a statement that is intended to make people feel happier or calmer but that is not original or effective
The man offered a bromide condolence to the grieving woman.
5. chauvinist- an attitude that the members of your own sex are always better than those of the opposite sex
The teenagers chauvinist attitude is reason enough that they will not be dating anyone anytime soon.
6. chronic- happening or existing frequently or most of the time
Most inmates have chronic stays in prisons because they can't stay out of jail.
7. expound- to explain or state (something) : to give details about (something)
The teacher had to expound the era of post modernism several times so that everyone understood.
8. factionalism- a group within a larger group that has different ideas and opinions than the rest of the group
The committee soon split into factions.
9. immaculate- perfectly clean
She had an immaculate record of service.
10. imprecation- an offensive word or phrase that people say when they are angry
The tough biker wasn't short with his imprecations.
11. ineluctable- not able to be avoided or changed
The ineluctable war was brewing between the two nations.
12. mercurial- changing moods quickly and often
With the amount of stress adding on to his life, the man became mercurial.
13. palliate- to make the effects of (something, such as an illness) less painful, harmful, or harsh
The medicine the doctor prescribed palliated the pain from the soldier's bullet would.
14. protocol- a system of rules that explain the correct conduct and procedures to be followed in formal situations
The marines aboard Air Force One follow a strict protocol for the President's safety.
15. resplendent- very bright and attractive
Some resplendent objects attract the attention of toddlers.
16. stigmatize- to describe or regard (something, such as a characteristic or group of people) in a way that shows strong disapproval
The protestors stigmatized the concept of gay marriage to a group of elementary school children.
17. sub rosa-  in confidence
The sub rosa story my cousin told me made me want to keep his secret with me to the grave.
18. vainglory- excessive or ostentatious pride especially in one's achievements
Although it was exemplary, the man who beat Batman in a fight was still very vainglorious.
19. vestige- the last small part that remains of something that existed before
My friend ate my whole pizza but still had the audacity to leave me a vestige of crust.
20. volition-  the power to make your own choices or decisions
Although she seems happy with her life, she has not realized her own volition that could lead to the life she really wants.

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